To give you a good understanding of the long medical journeys a trans person undergoes, together with an understanding of the reference terms in common use, including language and terminology, cis-gender, non-binary, intersex, the pathways from M to F and F to M with the key stages in each pathway, the lived experiences of the facilitators plus a short life story video, LGBT facts, gender clinics, how to support a trans child, equality in the workplace, the laws surrounding gender and equality and how they affect you, and so much more……
If required, the LGBTQIA+ course can be added to this presentation as a 45 minute bolt-on, to give a more informed view of the bigger picture. This can be added to both Teams and Face to Face courses at a small additional cost.
Everyone is the simple answer. Everyone and particularly those in a public-facing role, be that the police or other emergency services, to business managers, ship captains and shop floor workers.
Face to Face and Teams dedicated sessions are offered at very realistic prices and allow for up to 20 people to attend. Additional delegates incur a small extra charge per person. All prices are subject to VAT.
A dedicated session allows up to 20 participants, however we have already taught much larger groups. For larger groups, each additional delegate, beyond the first 20, is charged a small extra fee. Please be aware that a course with 20 participants will take around 3.5 hours but larger groups may take longer.
You will learn about the full pathways to allow you to be more understanding, and you will understand how to address a trans person without causing offence
Yes, there is hatred but by educating people on this subject we aim to achieve a more inclusive society, not just in the UK, but around the world also.
Yes, for any large group booking we are negotiable.
Yes, it is a fully accredited CPD course for which you will receive a certificate upon completion
These dates are open to individuals and small groups that want to attend individually. Please request more details using the link provided.
310 Wellingborough Road, Northampton,
United Kingdom,
Mon – Fri: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday: Appointment only
Sunday: Closed
Tel: 07513 017579